Corn stalk strength instrument and corn yield

High corn yield is not only a matter of concern to corn growers, but also a problem that agricultural science and technology workers need to care about. In general, there is a very close relationship between corn yield and corn varieties. For example, if the corn plant has a high plant height, a high ear, thin stems, and poor root development, it is prone to lodging, resulting in Corn production is reduced. Therefore, in order to increase corn yield, the use of corn stalk strength instrument to breed maize varieties with strong lodging resistance has become an effective way to promote high maize yield.

Corn stalk strength meter

We know that there are many varieties of corn. To screen out corn varieties with high stalk strength, we need to determine the stalk strength of these different corn varieties with the aid of a specialized corn stalk strength meter, and then make a comprehensive comparison. The selected maize varieties with high stalk strength are further bred to obtain new corn varieties with strong lodging resistance. Therefore, in fact, the corn stalk strength instrument is an important tool for selecting new maize variety breeding materials. It is also an important guarantee for the high yield of corn.
Of course, corn stalk strength meter is not only used in the breeding process, but also used to improve the cultivation process. For example, potash fertilizer has the effect of increasing the stalk strength. Therefore, in the corn planting process, we use the corn stalk strength instrument. By measuring the strength of corn stems, potassium fertilizers can be added to the corn crops in time, thereby increasing the stalk strength of the corn and avoiding the risk of large-scale lodging of the corn. In short, in the process of realizing high yield of corn, increasing corn stalk strength and controlling corn lodging are problems that can not be ignored. Using corn stalk strength instrument to accurately measure can help us find problems, improve it in time, and avoid risks. It is also possible to fundamentally solve the problem through breeding, so it can be said that the application of corn stalk strength instrument is closely related to the high yield of corn.

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