Daily maintenance of turbocharged vehicles can reduce transportation costs

With the increase of transportation costs, special vehicles are paying more and more attention to engine power, engine power, and engine maintenance. To put it plainly, it is to reduce the cost of transportation vehicles. Facts have proved that a good engine is indeed fuel efficient and the era of turbocharged engines is officially open. Today we talk about the knowledge of turbocharged engine maintenance .

During the operation of the turbocharged engine , the exhaust gas from the driving turbine is exhausted by the cylinders of the engine, and its temperature is as high as about 600° C. , and the temperature can reach about 1000° C. under high load conditions. Therefore, turbocharged technology models require extremely high oil consumption and lubrication. The new car maintenance interval is 5000 kilometers, and the original engine oil is used as far as possible.

With the advent of the era of high oil prices and increasing attention to environmental protection, the energy-saving transformation of conventional internal combustion engines by special-purpose vehicle companies has become the mainstream. One of the core technologies is turbocharging technology, namely the "T" model. However, although turbocharged technology is more advanced than the traditional naturally aspirated models, it is also famous for its delicateness.

1 , combined with national conditions we should add 97 # minimum gasoline

Considering that the quality of gasoline in the gasoline market is uneven, the purity of gasoline is relatively low and there are many impurities. Therefore, it is recommended that owners of turbocharged technology use 97 # gasoline when adding gasoline. It is also possible to add some fuel additives properly when refueling. Generally, three tank oils are added once. With the use of high-grade gasoline, less impurities and more complete combustion can increase power and reduce fuel consumption and carbon deposition. Fuel additives can increase the degree of lubrication of gasoline and can reduce the retention of impurities in the pipeline and at the components.

In particular, it is worth noting that, after adding high-grade gasoline, avoid adding low-grade gasoline, and low-grade gasoline can be changed to high-grade gasoline. After more than 2,000 kilometers, vehicle fuel consumption will decline, and power and acceleration will have. Obviously improved.

2 , pay attention to change oil, advance maintenance

If you feel that your vehicle is in good condition and you do not want to have premature maintenance, check the engine oil regularly. Take a week as a cycle, and regularly remove the oil scale inside the oil tank weekly. The vernier scale is mainly divided into three zones. There are MIN and MAX scales. The cross line area between the MIN and MAX scales is an addable area. Below the MIN scale is the mandatory area. Above MAX is the non-addable area.

3 , slow start after the fire, slow acceleration

Although the turbocharged special-purpose vehicles for technical upgrades are no longer deliberately heated for several minutes, when parts are not fully lubricated, high-speed operation will still result in excessive wear of certain parts and even failure. . Therefore, after starting the turbocharged engine model, do not rush to step on the throttle, should be idle for 3 to 5 minutes, so that the oil pump has enough time to transport the oil to various parts of the turbocharger, the standby oil temperature slowly rises After that, the turbocharger will be fully lubricated, and at this time the speed will increase.

Friend who owns a special turbo car , pay attention to us, there will be more turbocharged engine maintenance knowledge available to you !

Oven including Heat Curing Oven, Uv Curing Oven and Tunnel Oven.

1: This oven is normal temperature oven: it is forbidden to bake inflammable and explosive/volatile and corrosive materials.

2:Items placed the oven should not be too crowded, so that the cold and hot air convection from blocking, to maintain uniform temperature

3:The oven cannot exceed the highest temperature when using, do not change the parameter in the thermostat

4:Top of the oven has air inlet/out of port, not plug, and the environment requires the best aspirant exhaust duct to outdoor.

5:Oven please don't install in damp places, please do not directly wash with water.

6:Oven in the high temperature operation, must wear good protective device, to prevent burns!

7:In time to cut off the power supply after baking, to ensure safety.

8 : Non-professional workers do not operate and repair the machine0.


Heat Curing Oven,Uv Curing Oven,Tunnel Oven

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