Can driving test drive hard to become the culprit in the downturn in the auto market?

In the first half of this year, the number of applicants for driver's licenses in Shenzhen was as high as 330,000. There is a sharp contradiction between the limited number of examination venues and the rapid increase in the number of school cars. In addition, during the Universiade this year, some training venues were banned because of planning. Many candidates therefore have a backlog of nine selected sections and road tests.

According to the data disclosed by the Shenzhen Port and Transportation Commission Port and Air Transportation and Freight Transportation Administration, the number of registered cars in 2005 was only 70,000, which increased by 140,000 in 2009 and surged to 237,000 in 2010. It is expected that the number of registered cars will be registered in 2011. It will break 300,000. Taking into account the greater mobility in Shenzhen, the actual number of cars will be more.

The total number of motor vehicles in Shenzhen exceeded 1.7 million at the end of last year, and the vehicle density has ranked first in the country. At a government meeting a month ago, the relevant person in charge of the municipal government believed that, with the extra vehicles, there were nearly 2.3 million vehicles on the road in Shenzhen.

Not all trainees go to buy a car after getting a driver's license, but they have become potential owners in the coming years. This brings huge business opportunities to the Shenzhen automobile market, but also brings tremendous pressure on the urban traffic environment.

The person in charge of the Shenzhen Traffic Police Department once stated publicly that in the next few years, the continuous unrestricted automobile growth in Shenzhen will lead to a more fragile traffic order and traffic safety. Once a major trunk line congestion or accident occurs, it will easily lead to a chain reaction and spread to the branch line. In the region, traffic jams and traffic jams will be caused in the entire city, and Shenzhen may become a “blocking city” at any time.

Although there is no evidence that the test drive is difficult, the relevant department deliberately slowed down the expansion of urban vehicles, but it has played a partial restraint role in reality. This year, the auto market is in the doldrums, and some people have also pushed some of their responsibilities to the test drive. Geely emperor Shenzhen 4S store general manager Wan Wanhuan told reporters: From the perspective of car purchase trends in the past two years, nearly 30% of car owners just got a driver's license to buy a car. He inferred from the rate of maintenance accidents returning to the factory and the number of participants in the owner's talks that many car buyers are new car owners who have got a driver's license. "It can be seen from two aspects. First, the first time that the car is repaired after 1-2 weeks in traffic accidents is a novice; Second, the store will hold monthly lectures, new owners will actively participate in lectures and take the initiative to consult There are various problems with sales consultants. Many new owners will not change their spare tires."

According to Tang Wei, director of marketing at Standard Group, the driver’s license will be used to purchase more expensive cars. In the early years, many people test driving licenses just to buy cars. Nowadays, many people who test driving licenses are to acquire a skill and they won't necessarily get a driver's license to buy a car. However, he estimated that 80% of the consumer groups in the Chevrolet brand are first-time car buyers. This group of people also has a significant share of customers who have a driver's license.

Year by year trainees also provided a huge business opportunity for the used car market. “Shenzhen has a large number of school cars. The economical sedan that was sold 67 years ago has also been replaced. The first time someone got a driver’s license was because of the price issue. Second, because of the consideration of practicing driving skills, he did not rule out half the new car. The Lord will consider buying a used car."

Auto market investigation in Shenzhen test driver's license is really difficult to test a driver's license in Shenzhen takes how long? One year is not too long. Many riders reflected on the Internet: In the past two years, they registered for a car in Shenzhen, which took more than one year to get a driver's license. The long train schedule and difficulty in taking exams are among the best, and this backlog will gradually improve from December this year. Because in addition to the government's one examination room, three new social examination sites were put into use this year. And, starting this month, Shenzhen's driving school can take hundreds of exams every month.

Phenomenon netizen w ind326 posted in a well-known online community last week: I reported that the VIP class of a certain driving school had never touched a car before. Only after a few months did he realize that he was spending money to buy it. A coach with dozens of trainees can't train for a few months in a month. You call more and the coach simply doesn't answer the phone. Four months passed, and even one-half did not finish. Want to withdraw from another driving school to start from scratch, and now withdraw from school deduction, 5,000 yuan tuition fees do not have left, and now stunned and so on.

Netizen trabecular said that he registered for six months before he passed two exams. For a friend who intends to learn a car, he suggested that "when signing a contract, you must indicate that you will not be able to live for one year, drop your tuition fee, or pay in installments, and pass one exam to 1,000 yuan."

There are quite a few netizens who share the same mood with the two. Most of them have not obtained a driver's license for more than one year. Most of these netizens were concentrated in last year or the second half of this year and failed to obtain a driver's license before the end of the year.

How long does it take to learn normal driving skills and obtain a driver's license? Mr. Chen Junming, headmaster of Standards and Driving School, told reporters: Generally speaking, students can get a driver's license within six months. However, there are special reasons for this year. Due to the hosting of the Universiade, Shenzhen has cancelled some training venues. The planning of training venues has caused the city's backlog of tens of thousands of candidates to be tested in one month.

If you want to get a certificate, you will need to spend more money to rule out the Universiade's decision to organize venue planning. There are also differences in the number of hours required to choose different driving schools and different price points.

On Tuesday, the reporter dialed the advice phone number of several driving schools by learning the car customer's identity. The price of the learning car given by the other party staff ranged from 3480 yuan to 8888 yuan. The minimum learning time was 58 days, and the standard academic hour was 6 months.

"The honorable class can get the driver's license within 2 months. The VIP class takes 4 months. If the elite class is successful, it will be 5 months. If the standard class is successful, it will take 6 months. It does not include the long training fee and Make-up exams, lack of examination fees, said a staff member of Shenzhen Hong Kong Driving School. The shorter the school hours, the higher the cost. For example, the staff of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Driving School said that the premium class costs up to 8,888 yuan. The VIP classes and elite classes with prices ranging from RMB 4000 to RMB 5000 are the most popular ones. For the standard class of RMB 3,480, the staff does not recommend it.

Another driving school, Ji Shunda, has given a commitment of two months to get a permit. The price can be increased by about 2,000 yuan on the basis of the standard price of 3490 yuan. "If you don't get your card after two months, you'll get $150 or more for each driving test after the time passes." The staff member said: If you want to get faster, you'll be reported for more than RMB 5,000. If you do not hurry, apply for standard classes are also divided into two types of limited time and unlimited time, such as 3290 yuan limit 40 hours, 200 yuan more is not limited to hours, so that the package learned.

Overexpansion of the driver-training industry is not standardized. Ms. Zhang has been awarded a driver's license for 3 years. However, she has a deep understanding of the fact that “the driving school test takes a long time to take the exam before giving a gift”. "To the 'Nine Selections Three' session, the coach always said that there is no quota and that he is not on the top of the rankings, so it may not be able to rank for one year in a round. Later, he gave the coach tobacco and alcohol, and soon it will be scheduled."

A person in charge of the driving school, who did not wish to give his name, told reporters: The coach’s request for red envelopes is entirely a matter of personal quality. At the same time, it is also related to the management of driving schools. This phenomenon is more serious in private driving schools.

"As long as it is not individual driving school, the speed of the examination process is not determined by the coach. It mainly depends on the number of examination places. Compared with DMU, ​​there are fewer students in the school and the student will learn the car faster," said the person in charge.

Some of the riders who got a driver's license in Shenzhen reflected that there will be a sequence of distribution of examination places. Some driving schools can allocate more places for examinations, and some driving schools have limited places for examinations. This causes the coach to have room for manipulation when submitting the exam list. In general, the coach will not intentionally delay the student's examination time by two years because it will reduce the coach's passing rate.

Not all students want to get a driver's license. Those who do not rush to buy a car think that “so fast that you have a driver's license, if you don’t buy a car, you will soon forget it. You might as well learn it slowly.” Some students also expressed contempt for those who are not good at learning to drive a car and are eager to get a permit: “Obviously not. Will be open, it is hurried to get a card to kill the road killer. Do you only harm others? Your own life is not important?

Che Yeh Lin is a kind of student who is “forcibly graduated by the coach”.

"Whether or not you have learned, the coach forced you to take the exam because the coach is a contracted car. If you train for more than an hour, he will give you one hour more fuel and can't accept new students." Lin Xi told reporters Because it took me a year and a half to pass the road test, I paid an additional 300 yuan for this. "I think that the technology is hard enough to graduate. On the contrary, the coach is more anxious than himself."

A driving staff member stated that whether he took the certificate too fast or was too slow, he would have to increase too fast with the current trainees. The driving school is not involved in real traffic safety and driving training for the sake of maximum profitability. Many trainees get a driver's license does not mean that they will be able to qualify. Whether learning a car is fast or slow, you must practice on your own.

The settlement of the venue can ease the difficulty of learning to drive the school The president of the school, Chen Junming, told reporters: At present, there are only more than 60 vehicles in the driving school, which is a small driving school in terms of scale. This year, due to the hosting of the Universiade, the Futian District Shopping Park's service point cancelled the loss of 1,000 students, but Baoan and other areas have increased, so the total number of students this year is the same as last year. However, the number of trainees in the entire driver training industry has shown rapid growth. He said that next year, the driving school will continue to recruit staff, and the expansion of training points will also be the focus of next year.

The number of outlets and training venues can determine the number of students enrolled in a driving school, but not every driving school has the strength to expand outlets. According to statistics, the establishment of a driving school requires the purchase of a certain number of coaches and insurance; the need to rent large enough training grounds, according to relevant regulations, each coach needs 400 square meters; in addition, also need to hire qualified Coaches and a certain number of office workers. A driving school needs to invest at least 2 million to 3 million yuan in advance to report to the Municipal Communications Commission for approval.

Higher thresholds limit the expansion of the driver training industry, and the rapidly increasing number of students constitutes a contradiction to the existing driving school resources. Some driving schools have excessively limited time for trainees to obtain training because of over-recruitment of students, or it is difficult to allocate training places. Let students produce all kinds of dissatisfaction with learning cars.

Last month, the Dongsen Training and Testing Center in Guangming New District was officially opened and became the fourth training and examination venue in Shenzhen after a government training examination room and two socialized training examination sites. It is understood that since the opening of the Dongsen Training Center, many long-awaited candidates have quickly obtained the quota.

According to Chen Junming, headmaster of Standard & Distance Driving School, the use of new training venues and the number of new exams to be added each month will, to a certain extent, improve the status of Shenzhen driving exams for a long period of time.

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