Machine Vision Servo Technology for Robot Development

Since 80 years of the last century, with the development of computer technology and camera equipment, the technical problems of robot vision servo system have attracted the attention of many researchers. In the past few years, great progress has been made in robot vision servo both in theory and in application. In many academic conferences, visual servo technology is often listed as a topic of the conference. Visual servo has gradually evolved into an independent technology in the fields of robotics, robotics and image processing. In robots, machine vision is equivalent to the robot's eyes, machine vision through the visual sensor to obtain a two-dimensional image of the environment, and through the visual processor for analysis and interpretation, and then converted to symbols, so that robots can identify objects and determine its location . Machine vision is a device that automatically receives and processes an image of a real object through optical and non-contact sensors to obtain the desired information or to control the movement of the robot. Machine vision is a machine-like system similar to the human eye. From a broad perspective, all information obtained through optical devices to obtain real objects and the processing and execution of related information are machine vision. This includes both visible and invisible vision and even includes Human vision can not be directly observed, the internal information acquisition and processing. In recent years, great progress has been made in robot vision servo technology. Practical applications of robot vision systems both at home and abroad are also increasing. Many technical challenges are expected to make progress in recent studies. Believe that in the near future, the robot visual servo system will be in the robot technology will continue to highlight the important position of the robot vision servo system will also be more and more used in industrial production, add to the development of the industry a strong one pen. At the same time, with the continuous expansion of applications, machine servo systems can be broadly divided into the following categories: According to the different number of cameras, can be divided into monocular visual servo system, binocular visual servo system and multi-vision visual servo system According to the location of the camera can be divided into the eye system (eyeinhand) and fixed camera system (eyetohand or standalone) According to the robot's spatial location or image features, visual servo system is divided into location-based visual servo system and image-based visual servo system.